Bipolar doesn’t have to control your life.

It’s my mission to empower individuals living with bipolar to create strong, customized self-care routines that lead to meaningful long-term stability.

Get off the bipolar rollercoaster

Maybe you are newly diagnosed or have lived with bipolar for many years. The devastating effects of the bipolar highs and lows have caused pain and turmoil and you’re ready to do something to make it stop. You deserve stability and happiness, not fear and frustration! You’re in the right place if:

  • You’re not sure how to create a sustainable, manageable self-care plan that bolsters long-term stability

  • You want to work with a success partner who also lives with bipolar, someone to encourage you and motivate you to reach your wellness goals

  • You’re sick and tired of how bipolar has stolen so much from you and you’re ready to reclaim your health

Book an intro call to learn more about working with me.

Interested in possibly working with me? Book a free 30-minute intro meeting:

We’ll talk about your unique challenges, your goals and desired outcomes, to give us a chance to get to know each other to see if we’d be a good fit to work together.

Photo credit: Hernan Santiago

Photo credit: Hernan Santiago

Hi, I’m Jenn.

Mental illness stole everything from me at one point in my life. What once felt like the end has since given way to more joy than I could have ever imagined.

In 2005, after a week of barely sleeping, I experienced my first manic episode at the age of 26 and was hospitalized. Two weeks later, it happened again and within a few months was diagnosed with Type 1 Bipolar Disorder. Over the past 19 years I’ve learned how to successfully manage my mental health condition so that it doesn’t manage me.

Talking openly about my mental health led me to create something I’m extremely proud of: This Is My Brave - the nonprofit I founded in 2013 which brings personal stories about mental health into the spotlight through creative expression, live on stage.

Over the years, whenever I experienced a setback with my bipolar disorder, I always wished there were someone I could talk to who was diagnosed with the same condition I had, someone who had gone through something similar. Someone who knew the feeling of the buzzy rush of mania, the dark and lonely pit of depression, and the delicate balance of maintaining a middle ground.

I wanted someone to help me find solid recovery, which is why I created a program called Bipolar Balance that will foster long-term stability for individuals living with bipolar disorder. I’ve created the thing I wished had existed when I was first diagnosed. My Bipolar Balance coaching program paves the path to stability and I can’t wait to share it with you.

I firmly believe that with the right support, anyone can overcome mental illness. This year I became a certified wellness coach because I want to use my experience to help others who are learning to live with this life-long condition. It is possible to learn how to thrive with bipolar. Book an intro call and let’s talk about working together to make it happen.

Sign up for monthly tips on living your best life despite bipolar

Want to learn one way I build healthy habits?

Download my free Habit Tracker today and begin building healthy habits one day at a time. One of my regular habits is daily movement. Whether that be a long walk or a short workout video, exercise is something that started as a desire to get in shape and over time grew into a regular self-care habit that helps me destress and stay strong.

Maybe you want to drink more water, sleep better, exercise regularly or re-establish connections with loved ones. The 1st step is to identify goals that are important to you so that you can begin the work to improve upon them.

Seeing your goals on paper is one of the most effective ways of attaining them. Research has shown that when people write down their goals, they are 42% more likely to achieve them as compared to those who don’t.

Give it a try for a few weeks and see what happens. Let’s build healthy habits together!